Kenisha’s story

Kenisha was in her second year at the University of Greenwich when she did a one-day Grit Programme

I was finding the workload very difficult to manage. There was so much of it. I often felt overwhelmed, paralyzed. I spent a lot of time just procrastinating. And it was affecting my confidence: what will happen if I don’t do the work, what if I don’t do it well, what does that mean for my career? I was seriously worried about my future.

I thought I was the only one struggling like this which was making me very anxious. There were times when my anxiety took over my whole life.  I felt isolated and alone.

The workshop took me right out of my comfort zone. I really don’t like talking in front of people. But there I was, opening up, taking my turn in talking about how I felt in front of all the other students.

But the biggest surprise was when I realised that everyone else was thinking the same as me. It was really, really helpful to know that I’m not the only one.  Suddenly I wasn’t alone, I wasn’t isolated.

Now I’m much better at managing my work.  When I start to get overwhelmed I tell myself, ‘take your time, don’t panic.’ I can calm myself. I know that it’s normal to have these feelings and the important thing is to do some studying, some uni work, everyday, even if its not a lot. It’s a lot more motivating. I’m more positive about my studies. I feel more in control. Now I don’t get anxious.

Now I’m getting my assignments done early. I’m able to put more time in, get more done and not just scrape a pass. I know I’m doing better work. I expect better grades.

Because of Grit it’s much easier to navigate university. I understand who I want to be and what I want to do. I’m much more focused.  I’m much clearer about the goals I have, about the things I enjoy, about what I want to do with the rest of my life. I’m much more confident that, whatever the decisions I make, they will be the ones that are right for me.