Breaking Down the Barriers

Grit in Press

Students often have an amazing story to tell, but low confidence can prevent students from accessing the careers support they need. Grit Director of Development, Jon Down, thinks through what can be done on Wonkhe, the ‘home of higher education debate.’

Calling all Photographers.

We’re looking to refresh and update the library of Grit photos. If you’ve got the kit and know how to use it we’d love to hear from you.


Grit: Breaking Down the Barriers

“I had staff coming up to me and saying, ‘Thank you for investing in me. This is one of the most fulfilling experiences I’ve had.’

Staff realised they had a lot more power, a lot more control over their circumstances than they thought they had.

Grit gave staff a new language, a new way of communicating, confidence to challenge one another in a constructive way. It created openness about what is working well and what is not working well. And it enable people to focus their energies on where they could make change instead of complaining about what they couldn’t change.”

Dawn Warwick, member of the Grit Advisory Board, former Director of Children’s Services at Richmond and Wandsworth Councils and Deputy Chief Executive at Slough Borough Council talks about her experience of Grit and our work with professionals.

What the Students Say

It’s always a joy to get positive unsolicited feedback and, more and more, our participants are talking about their Grit experience on social media. This month it’s the turn of Tara Lepore, Jaya Patel and Hamad Alolayan. Don’t take our word for it – let the students tell you themselves

We’re Recruiting Volunteers!

Last year we ran a hugely successful programme with volunteer Life Coaches (virtual and face-to-face) supporting young people at risk of exclusion from schools across Warwickshire.

This year we’re back! And we’re on the lookout for new volunteers.

It’s an experience that will stay with me for a very long timeGrit volunteer, 2021
Grit volunteers are passionate about making a difference with young people, passionate about supporting young people to turn their lives around and really make the most of their education. Does this sound like you?

We are looking for volunteers (aged 23+) with the enthusiasm, commitment and time to make it happen. No previous experience required. We provide full training and support – free!
"The volunteer training really resonated. It was intense and a fantastic opportunity to reflect, be challenged and reflect afresh." Grit volunteer, 2021

The commitment:

·       To complete the Virtual Coach training programme, online, over a weekend in May (evening of 13th, all day 14th, all day 15th)

·       Coach a young person, fortnightly, online, between June and December 2022.

 For more information and to register your interest, please contact


Lights, Camera, Action…


Spring is in the Air