New term, new start

We always love this time of year. There’s an excitement and anticipation tinged with autumnal melancholy as we move on from one year (and one season) to the next. As summer recedes it’s time to take stock: we have been spending time reflecting and learning together over the during the quieter period that August brings. But it’s also time to look forward. And here at Grit what a lot there is to look forward to!

We’re back with some of our university partners - to work with students at University of Westminster, University of Hull and SOAS University of London, and with staff and students at Nottingham Trent University.

And we’re thrilled to be working with a host of new partner universities: delivering our Black Leadership Programme at Loughborough University; working with the postgraduate community at Liverpool John Moores University and Sheffield Hallam University; and with students at Abertay University, and Queen Mary University of London.

Then there’s new programmes with Allerdale Borough Council and Barnardo's & Our Place Support, continuation programmes at Haringey Council, Thomas Alleyne High School, Swindon Academy and secondary schools across Warwickshire.

… and that is just in the next couple of months!

So, see you on the road …

Long term Grit

We’ve been going back to students who had completed a Grit programme between six months and a year previously. We had responses from students across many of the universities we work in. This is what we found.

A year or so on 74% of students who had been considering leaving their course were still at university while 69% told us Grit still impacts their sense of belonging and the relationships they have.

One student described how, “Grit gave me a burst of confidence at the beginning of my course, and I went out of my comfort zone to meet new people and it paid off,” while another told us, “because of Grit I feel more comfortable in social situations. I made an active decision to spend time with new people.”

Grit has been transformative: “Before the training I had no confidence and social anxiety was a bigger problem. I have made three amazing friends that I would never have had the confidence to engage with before.”

In the same period we also went back to university staff.

96% of staff said Grit continues to influence their practice; 94% said they were still having effective coaching conversations.

Staff “have rediscovered that it’s all about what you can do for students, not about how you can survive the day.” They are “having more open and solution focussed conversations. Just listening to a student is effective.” 

It never fails to be inspiring when students and staff tell us how it's been going for them. So, with the new term approaching, we're all fired-up and ready to go!

We are recruiting – spread the word!

Fancy joining the Grit team? We’re looking for a Programme Manager - someone who can build outstanding and productive partnerships with universities, schools, colleges, local authorities and business.

If you want to grow, both personally and professionally, and are passionate about helping to really make a difference in the lives of young people, then Grit could be the place for you.

We are looking for a new enthusiastic self-starter to join the team on a full time basis. Click here for more information.

And finally …

Michael is a student at the University of Hull. In the spring he took part in our Black Talent Programme.  This is what he had to say.


Connection at Grit


Reflecting on the Journey